Tuesday, February 15: 1Chronicles 20- Remembering successes.

Today’s brief reading recounts successes of David’s reign. There is no doubt that God used David mightily to establish his kingdom. For the most part David followed God’s lead and God blessed the works of David’s hands.

Whenever we condense history, as the Chronicler does in this chapter, elements of history are omitted for brevity and bias sake. It is quite obvious that the Chronicler is lauding David, which is fine since history is fleshed out in other places (namely 1-2 Samuel).

No one is perfect and as long as we remember that, lauding great achievements by flawed humans is fine.  That’s what we have here. The entire Bathsheba account is omitted in this retelling.

As I sit today, I am realizing that too often I focus on the flaws rather than the achievements and successes of others (and myself). There is certainly a place for humble recognition and realization that I and others are flawed and sin-filled. But it is equally important to follow the lead of the Chronicler and celebrate God-honoring and God-following achievements. Neither Peter nor Paul were perfect… but God used them mightily. Mark was young and deserted Paul in a time of need –and?!- but he is also the author of one of the gospels and an honored companion of both Peter and Paul. Martin Luther could be gruff, even vulgar at times, yet his faithfulness is legendary!

God is reminding me today that we can and should celebrate the faith-filled exploits of sisters and brothers in the faith. I suspect that one of God’s reasons for speaking this to me (& you) today is that hopefully as we honor those who did great things for God, we too, might stretch, reach, try and labor to do great things for God as well.  May it be so. May it be so!!!

Lord, I commonly see my flaws and needs and sins and shortcomings when I come to Your word. Yes, I need You as my Savior! Lord, sometimes though, focusing on my failings causes me to pull back rather than stretch and reach in serving You. Today Lord, I am encouraged to keep on serving, to dreams great dreams of service to and for You. Lord, the same Spirit that prompted and enabled David and Peter and Paul and Martin Luther, lives in me. May I trust and follow You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, that my life might bring You great honor and glory. In Jesus’ name. Amen.



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