Wednesday, February 23: 1Chronicles 27- Perpetual duty

I find it interesting that men younger than 20 weren’t counted for the army but apparently there was no old-age cutoff. An implication I see in this is, once you become eligible for army call up, you remain so for the rest of your life.  As a male, one was on perpetual duty to protect and defend the country when needed.

I wondered if life-time army duty gave a deeper sense of loyalty to your nation than what is experienced today.

Spiritually, I took a leap and mused on the life-long need to protect and defend my faith in the Lord. It is easy in our culture with its busyness and pressures to take our eyes off the Lord and put them in any number of places.  Some of the other places are important, many however are little more than distractions. Thinking about these men who could be called up to military service at any age, I thought I have to remain diligent and vigilant in strengthening my faith.

Next I began thinking about the church. I wondered, “Am I willing to defend and protect my church (the local expression of God’s kingdom today) now and forever, even when it is inconvenient, difficult and dangerous?” I wonder.

Some of my musings about my perpetual duty to guard and protect…

Lord, I am Yours as long as there is breath in me, I am Yours. Amen.


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