Monday, March 5: John 2- No showy manner.

A word about John

John was one of the "12", and one of the closest friends of Jesus, as well as of Peter. John's Gospel is very different from the other three. It was the last to be written, so John assumes that everyone knows the facts about Jesus' life. Instead John chooses to concentrate on interpreting the meaning of Jesus’ life. The goal of John, in writing his Gospel, is “that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name”  (John 20:21).



The story of Jesus’ miracle at Cana is such a wonderful story on many accounts.

Jesus keeps the bridegroom from embarrassment if the wine ran out.

Jesus goes above and beyond creating the finest wine provided at the wedding even though much wine had been served and many people probably couldn’t tell by this point.

Jesus honors His mother and her request.

There are many layers to this account.

One aspect I saw as I read this morning was the humble, quiet manner in which Jesus proceeded with His miracle. He never stood in the lime light, instead He quietly performed this miracle. In fact only His mom, the steward, and any disciples who happened to be with Him actually knew what happened. Jesus quietly came to the aid of the bride and groom.

This thought reminds me that as we work for Jesus, we need not stand in the limelight and gain honor for ourselves. Instead we can be humble and quiet in our service of the King and God will make it so that those who ‘need to know’ will know.

Be completely humble… (Ephesians 4:10) is one way Paul charges us…

Oh, Lord, as I live and work, please help me to be humble and quiet in my service of You… In Jesus’ name. Amen.



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