Monday, June 18: 1Thessalonians 5 - Avoid evil.


These five words stuck to me as I walked by them in my reading. Avoid every kind of evil (22).

My mind spun… this touched every aspect of life, like: words spoken, thought life, clothing choices, attitudes, investments, hiring practices, etc. I could spend the morning listing more and more arenas of life.

Avoid every kind of evil.

Be a good person. Stay away from shady dealings. Avoid habits that can lead to shadowy destinations. Be good. Do good. Love good…

Avoid every kind of evil.

My hope is that it sticks to me throughout the day and can be a plumb line for the choices I make today and all my todays.

Avoid every kind of evil.

Only by Your strength and the following of Your voice can I hope to live up to this admonition. Help me, Father. Help me, Jesus. Help me, Holy Spirit to avoid every kind of evil. Amen.



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