Wednesday, March 4: Hebrews 3- Be in God's word.

As I sat this morning, God built upon yesterday’s lesson. Throughout the chapter I kept hearing God’s Voice say, “Hold on to what you believe.”

The account of the Israelites, who were unfaithful, was an example to me… Don’t let go of your faith. There are dire consequences when you do.

I know Romans 8 teaches that God will hold onto me and God will see me through to the end. However, I also know that I have to press into my faith…

Hebrews is reminding me of my part… my holding on…my pressing paying attention…

Practical questions circle in my thoughts. How am I pressing in? What can/should I be doing to grow in You, Lord? How is my Bible study going? Am I doing more than simply reading my Bible? And so my morning went with Jesus, the Father and the Spirit.

As a final act I returned to verse 1: Therefore, holy brothers and sisters, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus. Yes, fix my thoughts and focus my attention on Jesus.   And the best way to know Him is to be in God’s Word!

Lord, this is a good Word for me. It spurs me on to monitor my following of You and evaluate things I should do to strengthen my relationship with You. Read, Study, Pray, Serve…

Thank You, Lord, for Your written Word and for the Spirit’s Word to me through Your Word. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.


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