Friday, June 19: Psalm 45- A wedding song.

God is present in the ordinary of life.  The king is getting married. The Psalmist offers his gift of words to honor the event. My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses for the king; my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer.

Do I offer my skills during or for the ordinary of life? Do I give life my best? The Psalmist did and so honored the king and the Lord since these words are part of eternal Scripture. Do I make my offerings of the ordinary… reports for work, meetings with people, celebrations of life events… do I live these as if I were doing them for the Lord God Almighty?

Do I see the Lord in the ordinary of life? Do I see His hand behind the scenes orchestrating things for His honor and glory and the advance of His kingdom? Do I see God’s hand in the blessings of life (2)?

James reminds us that all good and perfect gifts come from above (James 1:17). Do I see the good and blessings in life as gift from God? God is truly present in the ordinary of life… bringing His life and blessing to them.

As I live today… will I notice the hand of God at work, sustaining, creating, connecting, redeeming, restoring?

O, God, help me to look for Your hand in the ordinary today. Help me to see You in the beauty of the day, the people whose paths I cross today, the offerings of work and prayer throughout the day. Even in the relaxations of the day, help me to see You and Your graces… I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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