Thursday, June 11: 1Corinthians 10- Do good for others.

One thought grabbed hold of me during my reading time. Verse 24: No one should seek their own good, but the good of others.

First, I personalized it. I should not seek my own good, but the good of others.

Next, I stared at it, really. I sat and looked at that sentence as if it were the only object in my view. The words started to press into my heart and soul.

I should not seek my own good… come on really. Who will look after me? Be honest if I don’t who will? All kinds of rationalizations wore a path through my thoughts. This is so counter to how I generally live. I am at the center of my world… and, yet, these words press in. I should not seek my own good…

Not ever? More rationalization.

I gazed back at the whole sentence. I should not seek my own good, but the good of others. Not only am I to be selfless, I am to be other centered. I should seek …the good of others. Not only am I not to indulge myself, I should look for ways to do good to others. I need to lift my eyes from my own navel and look out in the world. Where can I help? Where can I do good? How can I be a positive force in my world for the sake of others?

It hit me; God is asking me to live like Jesus. He cared and lived for others. I can think of no Jesus story where He was ‘all about Himself.” Jesus embodied this way of living so when I don’t know what to do, I can watch Him and see how He reacted in life situations.

Lord, to be like You, Jesus… it is a big calling, a huge change of life. But through the power of Your Holy Spirit, who lives in me I can do it. I can become more and more like You.

Thank You, Lord, for this high calling. Amen.


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