Friday, December 16: Psalm 146- My heart soared.

Immediately as my eyes settled on to this Psalm, my soul was lifted…

Praise the LORD.

Praise the LORD, my soul.

I will praise the LORD all my life;

I will sing praise to my God as long as I live (1-2).

In fact, my heart continued to soar to the heavens and to my Lord as I read/prayed this Psalm.

Two short phrases caught my attention as my soul began to soar, all my life… as I live.

The psalmist was not making a declaration for a day; the psalmist was making a lifelong pronouncement. This is what I will do today and every today of my life… I will praise the Lord, I will sing praise to the Lord, I will call out, I will rest in, I will exalt the Lord, my God, and Him only. (I added and Him only because of where the rest of the psalm goes.)

Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save… (3).

The Lord is the only one to whom the psalmist will look. I suspect that this Psalm is a declaration to the world and to the psalmist himself.

There are times in life when we have to speak ourselves into right action. And this Psalm plays well during those time as well as days like today when my heart immediately begins to soar as these words enter my spirit.

Oh, Lord, I am carried to You on the wings of this Psalm. I will praise You all my life; I will sing praise to You, my God, as long as I live. Lord, some days these praises will roll off my lips like water over a waterfall and some days my mouth will be parched like a dry desert arroyo, no matter my personal feelings. Lord, I will return to this Psalm and sing Your praise. For You alone are worthy and You alone have saved me. In the name of the Father, Jesus, His Son, and the Holy Spirit I sing and pray. Amen.


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