Friday, December 1: Ecclesiastes 7- Skimming the system.

This chapter reads like Proverbs, one wise ditty after another. It was good to soak in the whole of it, allowing various words speak and guide me. After soaking in the whole, I turned back to verse 7 for some deeper thought.

Extortion turns a wise person into a fool, and a bribe corrupts the heart.

I don’t think about extortion or bribery very much. I guess that is good. However, as I do this morning, I am realizing how often the news is filled with kickbacks, bribery and ‘special gifts’ given to politicians and decision makers.

A friend of mine who was in international business decades ago, told me how little business ever got done without a palm greased here and there. I have also heard stories of international adoptions that proceeded in large measure as additional ‘payments’ were made. So there is much more of bribery or extortion around than I’d like to admit.

Can it happen in my simple life? I probably shouldn’t be so naïve as to say ‘no’ or’ never’.

Extortion and bribery undercuts truth and honesty. Anything that can steer the heart toward deceit is dangerous… dangerous to the soul is what I am pondering right now. Like a heart attack, deceit kills part of the heart muscle and renders it less functional and weaker.

Closer scrutiny of life is warranted as I consider the twin issues of extortion and bribery.

I wonder, is payment under the table any different… really? Isn’t it a way to skim, cheat or bypass the system? Hmmm… the truth of this Proverb has tentacles into other areas of life.

Lord, help me to live honestly and above board in all my endeavors. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.



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