Wednesday, December 6: Ecclesiastes 11- Success or faithfulness.

Another proverb-esk chapter; practical wisdom for living. The opening half of the chapter spoke about personal industry and a diversity of work since no one knows which ventures will work.

From this section I felt drawn to verse 6: Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let your hands not be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well. The writer advocates for industry. Day and night do your work.

There is certainly truth in this; hard work is the best route to satisfying ones need for daily bread. But there are no guarantees. This is not an absolute formula for success.

The word success, which I just typed is troubling me. Success is a word frequently used in our modern western world. Success is a cultural word; it is a human desire… at least it is for me. But I am wondering if it has become tainted. In my world success means money, security, a ‘well-healed’ life. My trouble is that success as we often define it was not the life Jesus lived, nor his apostles. Neither was it his or their goal in life. Theirs was to spread the gospel no matter the cost to themselves. Certainly by our 21st century standard neither Jesus nor his disciples were success-full. And yet in God’s eyes they did all the Father asked and they were greeted by him upon their death with the welcome, “well done good and faithful servants.”

They sought faithfulness rather than success.

I am troubled by how much my culture taints my thinking…

Also I suspect we can push personal ‘industry’ too far as well. Certainly idleness can be a problem. But over-work can be one too. For God’s word also says, In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat— for he grants sleep to those he loves (Psalm 127:2). So I am reminded that we must take into account the full revelation of scripture and not run with a lone verse that may not represent the whole of God’s teaching on a situation.

I circle back to the way my cultural upbringing influence my thoughts and I feel the need to ask the Lord purge those things that are not of Him from my life… many of which come from my culture, which is self-focused and prosperity-oriented.

O God help me to see the chains of my culture which have me bound. Show me so that I might return to You to have them cut off that I might be set free. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen.


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