Friday, April 12: Exodus 38– 24/7/365 access…

Construction of the tabernacle was completed. Given all the details we have read over the last few days, I googled images for the tabernacle (my Bible doesn’t have any pictures at the back).
This structure would house God’s presence among His people…
How blessed we are, as people of the New Testament, that God is not confined to one or any building but that through faith in Jesus and the gift of God’s Holy Spirit. God is with each and every one of us wherever we are. We have immediate access to God. We don’t have to go to a certain location. We don’t have to wait until prescribed times or ceremonies. We don’t have to connect with God through a human intermediary called a priest.  Because of the atoning work of Jesus and the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, we have 24/7/365 access to God!
Right now as I read God’s Word, as I type my thoughts, as I pray… in a few minutes when I drive to a meeting and when I sit in that meeting… I have access to the Lord God Almighty!
What a gift, what a wonder… my heart bursts..
Thank You, Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit. Thank You. Bless You… Praise You. Alleluia. Amen.

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