Thursday, April 11: Exodus 37– Worth pondering…

When I initially read this chapter, I struggled with any devotional connection. The chapter struck me as bland facts about building the articles for the tabernacle. I eventually closed my Bible deciding to continue meditating throughout the day seeing what God would bring.
Over the rest of the day I found myself focusing on two aspects of Chapter 37, the gold and the details.
Gold symbolizes purity and everything was overlaid with pure gold. God’s house demands purity because God is pure. What a gift God gives us, impure as we are, that we are invited into His presence. I also pondered how exquisite the room must have been with all the gold glimmering in the light of the candles. Simply the best for God!
Then there were all the details… size, shapes, inlays and overlays. God oversees the big picture and the details. He is a God of order and design.  My heart said, of course, just look at creation… the overall design and the intricate detail. That’s God!!!
I found myself marveling at the greatness of God and the smallness of me.  Despite the gulf between God and me, God reaches across the gulf and invites me into His world through faith in Jesus.
This, after all, was a chapter worth pondering.

Thank You, Lord, for sticking with me and for slowly revealing thoughts to me that brought me into your presence and sustained me throughout the day. You are great and deserving of all my praise and adoration! Amen and Amen.

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