Thursday, May 30: Leviticus 6– Sin hurts people…

Just as there are regulations for the person making the burnt, sin, grain or guilt offering, so there are regulations for the priests receiving and overseeing the giving of these offerings to the Lord.
God has a precision for things. Nothing in the sacrificial system is left to happenstance. God gives the way.
It was, however, the instruction about the guilt offering that was helpful for me. I was still pondering the differences I noted yesterday when my questions were answered. Guilt offering seems to be for intentional sins. The guilt offering accompanies the making of restitution which is the value of the wrong committed + 20%. The restitution goes to the person who suffered the loss do to my sin. The guilt offering goes to the Lord, to pay atonement for my sin. 
In these regulations, God reminds me (us) that when we sin we hurt people and part of the forgiveness process is ‘making things right (or as right as they can be made with the person injured by my sin).
Sin hurts people, so for community sake and for relationships sake, repairing the person/people hurt is important!
This is a profound thought. Forgiveness from God is a gift of enormous proportion. It cleans the spiritual leger of my life, but caring for the person hurt still remains.
Wow! I need to ponder this more…
Lord, sin costs; my sin costs. Forbid, Lord, that I should take sin lightly… I am sorry that I do just that, far too often. Forgive me, Lord, for this as well as my intentional and unintentional sins…
Through Jesus, I pray. Amen.

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