Thursday, September 6: Luke 5 - Power to heal.

My heart seemed to latch on to verse 17, One day as he was teaching, Pharisees and teachers of the law, who had come from every village of Galilee and from Judea and Jerusalem, were sitting there. And the power of the Lord was present for him to heal the sick.

I hear Luke suggesting that some days the power to heal was present with Jesus and some days not. I’m chewing on this.

Maybe this is Luke’s way of saying that some days Jesus healed and some he didn’t. Clearly Jesus didn’t heal every sick person whose paths He crossed.

I am just wondering about this. I know Jesus was fully God but also fully human.  I also know that Luke, more than any gospel writer, presents Jesus as the Spirit empowered man –which, by the way, is a great encouragement to me, since God sent the Holy Spirit to be upon us –Jesus followers- at Pentecost.

I wonder if I am attracted to this verse because I have been called by someone to have a time of healing prayer with them later today.  Could be, and if so, I pray that today the power to heal in Jesus’ name is with me as I pray for this person.

Lord, that is my prayer today.  I pray that as I pray with this person, that Your power to heal and make whole is powerfully present through me and the others with whom I will be praying. By Your Spirit, Oh God, give us wisdom and insight to bring to bear the power of the cross to any and all of their needs. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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