Wednesday, February 27: Genesis 50- The haunt of sinful deeds vs. the gift of forgiveness.

Immediately after Jacob’s death Joseph’s brothers grow afraid that Joseph will retaliate for all the evil they perpetrated against him (15). They go so far as to make up ‘last words’ from their father for Joseph to forgive them.

Joseph almost seems surprised by their actions. Long ago He apparently forgave them. His reply shows incredible faith and healing, "Don't be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. So then, don't be afraid. I will provide for you and your children" (19-20).

What a contrast of reactions and inner dialogue. For years the brothers have been haunted by what they did. Joseph seems at peace with all that happened. The difference I surmise is forgiveness. Joseph forgave his brothers and in that act was released from any need for vengeance or retribution. Forgiveness allowed him to truly move past this sins and evil committed against him.

Such is the power of forgiveness…

Thoughts and questions fly in rapid succession.

  • Am I harboring any grudges?
  • Have I released those who have sinned against me?
  • Have I forgiven myself after I sought the forgiveness of God and others for sins I have committed?

When I forgive I too can have the peace that Joseph found! The same can be true for you.

Think about it…

Lord, You taught us to pray, ‘Forgive us our sins, AS we forgive those who have sinned against us…’

What a gift You have bestowed upon us… the gift of forgiveness and being forgiven.

Thanks be to God, forgiveness is a gift of the cross. Praise You Jesus… Praise You Father and Spirit… Amen.



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