Wednesday, February 6: Genesis 32- Good marching orders for today and everyday.

I was drawn in as I began to read, so many God-touches and God-incidents. I don’t recall seeing the chapter in this light before.

The account bursts from the first verse. The angels of God meet Jacob as he heads out from his father-in-law. I don’t believe I have ever met an angel and I certainly have not met one where I recognize him to be an angel. God is connecting with Jacob. God is reaching out. God is with Jacob as he begins the next major chapter in his life. After this meeting Jacob develops his first meet-Esau-strategy, send messengers ahead to Esau.

They return with what is interpreted as scary news. Esau is coming with 400 men!

Jacob prays, he cries out to God. We learn through this prayer that God has told Jacob He will bless him. After this pray Jacob sets in motion all the gifts he will send to Esau in hopes of pacifying and disarming Esau’s anger.

That night Jacob is alone and God and they hold there famous wrestling match. God blesses Jacob with a new name, Israel.

I saw in this story the way God reached out to Jacob and Jacob reached back to God. Jacob and the Lord were connected, they maintained an active relationship.

This seems to be emphasized over and over throughout the biblical stories so far. Those who God chose lived lives connected to God and God directs their paths. I believe it is not coincidence that Jacob developed and honed his meet-Esau strategies after meetings with the Lord!

The connection to my life seemed obvious… stay connected to the Lord. Listen for and ask for God’s guidance in times of decision. Obey God’s directions, promptings and leadings and step out faithfully.

Sound like good marching orders for today and everyday…

Lord thank You for being a God who connects, a God who reveals Himself, a god who lead, guides and directs. Lead me today and all my todays I pray. Amen.




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