Saturday, November 23: Deuteronomy 29- Eyes that do not see.

Reading this chapter as an outsider seems so clear… Israel lived under the banner of God’s OT covenantal and providential care. It was an ‘if-then’ proposition. If they were faithful, God’s protection was obvious. If they turned away from God then calamities would come, sicknesses, military defeats, food shortages and the like.

Despite the clarity of the arrangement God made with them, Israel never seemed to get it. If defeats or famine came they never seemed to look inside at their lack of faithfulness. Instead, those prearranged signals seemed to be ignored, and possibly they even triggered more wandering and looking to other nations or gods for help.

My thoughts slid to my life. I understand fully that I am not bound by the OT Covenant and that the NT Covenant is built on grace not law, but it is the haunt of human life that has wormed into my thoughts. Like Israel, I am very prone to not being honest with myself about the state of my spiritual life. I can justify myself and rationalize this or that away. I can and sometimes do look to other people or things for my help in times of trouble rather than going straight to the Lord. The sins resident in Israel, I find in myself… the mirror of this morning’s devotion with the Lord reveals this…

I, too, can have eyes that do not see the sin and selfishness that lives in me…

Lord, in prayer I am trying to follow the voice of the Spirit and lay my spiritual pride and self-justification down bowing before You, who alone saves. Forgive me, Lord, for missing Your voice and persisting in error. Forgive me, Lord, for thinking more highly of myself than I ought.

Cleanse me from my sin, that I might be clean. Wash me and I will be whiter than snow. Then may my praise rise to You and bless You Father, Son, Holy Spirit… Amen.


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