Wednesday, November 6: Deuteronomy 14- Living Differently.

I found myself contemplating verse 2: for you are a people holy to the LORD your God. Out of all the peoples on the face of the earth, the LORD has chosen you to be his treasured possession.

I started with the phrase you are a people holy to the Lord. God was directing them to live in a way that was different and distinct from the other peoples around them. Some of the rules God set before them had a health or hygienic backing but others seem simply to create a distinction with the peoples around them. Peruse the list of clean and unclean animals. Is there really a health reason to not eat pig? I don’t think so.

Another case is road kill (see verse 21). God’s reason doesn’t seem to be health or hygienic. If the reason was health or hygienic, why would God allow Israel to give it and or sell it to foreigners or aliens living in their towns?

No, it seems that God was making a distinction for Israel, different rules for them to show that they are different and distinct from other peoples.

My mind played with this thought. Why did God want the distinction? Could it be that in living differently Israel’s neighbors might see the difference and then ask them, “Why do you live like this?”

To which Israel could respond with a declaration about the Lord, their God. Thus an opportunity to share the Lord with others is created!

From its inception, Israel was to be a blessing to the nations (Genesis 12:3). What a thought… Israel’s holiness to the Lord as an opening to witness and sharing of God’s greatness!!!

As Christ-followers we called to live differently from the general population. Maybe the way I love others or handle my finances or spend my weekends (keeping Sabbath) are injunctions from the Lord, in part, so that I live differently. And maybe, just maybe, my living differently will open doors to sharing Whom I follow and why…

What a thought…

Lord, my heart is drawn to praise You for Who You are. The wonder of Your name. Your amazing majesty. You are Creator and Sustainer… You deserve my praise simply because You are! Praise to You, Lord God.

I pray for the Holy Spirit unction to sense open doors to share who You are with others I meet. Through Jesus and for Your glory, I pray. Amen.


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