Friday, December 20: Mark 5- The original action hero.


The thought kept hitting me as I read this chapter. Jesus is the original action hero. Oh, I know He doesn’t have a costume or magic suit, but He is continually going around, doing good and saving people. Isn’t that what action heroes do?

And more than that, the ‘story line’ is that He will save the whole world from the sinister evil forces of the devil!

Doing good, helping people in need, saving the world, that is the prototypical action hero.

On to deeper things… Jesus crosses all manner of human erected barriers to help people. In this chapter alone Jesus crosses barriers of gender, race and socio-economics to help 3 people in different strata of life than he.

Jesus cares about people and He is blind to any human cultural division that would keep Him from helping someone.

Maybe you stumbled upon this blog today or only recently. Maybe you have been a Follower for years, either way if you have a need, spiritual, physical, or emotional, reach out to Jesus. He is willing to help, no matter who you are or what you have done…

And if you are not sure how to reach out to Jesus, shoot me an email and we can talk…

Lord Jesus, thank You for the many ways You have reached out and touched my life over the years. For 35+ years I have been walking with You and You have never let me down. Never. I thank You for this and I reaffirm my allegiance to You as Lord and Savior. Direct me to places and people You would have me speak to or help in Your name…. Amen.


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