Saturday, July 19: 1Kings 14- The weight of leadership.

And he [the Lord] will give Israel up because of the sins Jeroboam has committed and has caused Israel to commit” (16).

As I read this chapter about judgment on Jeroboam, my heart cringed when I read verse 16 above. I cringed because I saw in it the obligation and responsibility of leaders to lead well. Jeroboam did not, and not only did he suffer for it, but the populous suffered as well. Jeroboam’s sin-filled leadership led Israel astray and caused Israel to commit sin for which she would be judged! Such is the spiritual weight of spiritual leadership. When a spiritual leader leads poorly he/she can lead the people into error for which they will suffer God’s judgment.

This hit me because as pastor I am a spiritual leader and the thought that the spiritual lives of my people rest in part in my leadership adds great weight to calling and job performance.

Am I leading well? Meaning, am I leading people in line with Jesus and the Word? Am I leading people to deep obedience to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit?  Am I leading people to deeper faithfulness to God, the God revealed in the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments? This is leading well. Am I?

If you are not a pastor or leader in God’s church you might ask similar questions about your leadership… parents, are you leading your families well? Bible Study leaders, are you leading your studies well?

And if you are not a leader, are your leaders leading you well?

Think about it.

Oh, God, the weight of my call is heavy upon me. Encourage me, correct me, lead me, that I might lead Your people well. And, Lord, if I am off course, correct me or remove me that I might not cause anyone to sin and fall under Your judgment. Through Jesus, I pray. Amen.


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