Thursday, July 24: 1Kings 18- Go all in.

Elijah was an incredible man of faith. One of the great prophets of the OT. As I read this chapter, my heart was strangely attracted to verse 21: Elijah went before the people and said, “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him.”

A show down between the Lord and the prophets of Baal was about to ensue and Elijah was calling people to stake their claim.  Who did they follow? Who did they believe in?

Elijah’s second sentence was poignant… a call to obey and follow. If the LORD is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him.”  

Reading this it hit me.  Wavering, vacillating, keeping all your options open is the easy way out. The person who does this, does not truly believe anything.

Elijah is calling out to people to decide.  If you believe the Lord is God follow Him. Live as He wants you to live. Do what He wants you to do.

But Elijah says if you believe Baal is god then follow him. Live as he wants you to live. Do what he wants you to do.

The same call to choose could be issued today:

If you believe Jesus is Lord and God, follow Him. Live as He wants you to live. Do what He wants you to do.

But if you believe Allah is god, then follow him. Live as Mohammed instructs you to live. Do what he teaches you to do.

Of if you believe some form of New Age Eastern Religious philosophy is true, then live as that philosophy instructs you to live. Do what it says.

This sentiment could be written for any religious or life philosophy….

What I heard Elijah say is ‘get off the fence, choose what you believe and go for it’.

Now I hope and pray that you choose the Lord, as I have. But whoever you choose to believe in… get on with it… follow and him/it. Stop wavering and dabbling, go all in and follow!

My prayer is that you follow the Lord…

Lord, God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I pray that everyone who reads this decides, gets off the fence and goes for it. And, Lord, I pray they follow You. Amen.


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