Tuesday, July 8: 1Kings 4- Created to live in relationship.

       Behind every great person is a cadre of supporters, associates and lieutenants who enable the great person to do what he/she does, run what he/she runs, and so on.

In my culture here in the US we regularly think that we can make it on our own. The rugged individualism of our US forefathers still thrives in us to this day. As I entered my second decade of life, the pop/folk duo of Simon and Garfunkel released one of their mega hits, I am a Rock. The haunting individualism and isolationism of this song is driven by the refrain

I am a rock,

I am an island.

I am alone, I can do it alone. I don’t need anyone else.

How wrong they were. We all need people. We need the practical life skills that they bring so we can live. That’s what Solomon’s list of officials speaks to me.

But as I ponder this more, I realize that possibly more important than the life skills people bring that allow me to live is the relational connections they provide that support me emotionally and relationally. God designed us to live in relationship with others.

The Simon and Garfunkel song mentioned above closed on an eerie note of isolationism

I am a rock,

I am an island.

And a rock feels no pain;

And an island never cries.

That may be true, but a rock feels no love and an island never sings either…

God created us to live best in relationship with Him and with others.  We may be imperfect and things go wrong in our relationships but a life devoid of relationships is a sad truncation of life.

The beauty and wonder of the Lord is that He invites us to live in relationship with Him and when we do, He plants us in a church… a body of other Christ-followers so that we can live in relationship with others as well.

I hope you are walking with the Lord. A faith-filled relationship with Jesus is gift without measure. And so is living as part of His people, imperfect as we are…

Think about it.

Lord, thank You for wanting a relationship with us. I am blown a way. You, the perfect God, invites me and others to know You, learn from You and walk with You. Certainly Lord, You are the greater and I the lesser. Certainly I need to submit to You and Your will but I still get to live in relationship with You. I can call out to You any time and You will be there. What a joy, what a wonder, what a gift! Thank You.

Through Jesus, I pray. Amen.


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