Saturday, January 10: John 18- Into the dark.

From the serene moments of prayer we are launched into the drama of Jesus’ final hours. Dragged in chains from the garden, Jesus is thrust into the tormentor’s hands.

As the scene unfolded I found myself watching Peter. Impulsive and violent with a sword one moment; lying to save his skin the next. What a picture!

A little 3-letter word caught my attention in Peter’s denial story. The word is ‘too.’

The text tells us that Peter and another disciple went to the courtyard. Twice Peter is asked, “You aren’t one of his disciples too, are you?” (17, 25). I wondered if the questioners knew that the other disciple was a disciple of Jesus and were asking Peter if he was one, too?  If this is a correct reading… then I mused about why some people can remain true under pressure while others cave.

From here my meditations spun into my life and in what faith situations I am strong and what ones I am weak.

I have no delusion that I am always strong. I know all too well my weaknesses…

In the midst of this probe, the Spirit reminded me that Jesus is with me, weak or strong and that Jesus died to forgive my sin…

In moments like this, I realize what a great gift forgiveness is!!!

Lord, Jesus, I am humbled this morning, realizing anew the wonderful gift You gave when You died for the sins of the world. I pray, Lord, that I can live today in the power of Your Holy Spirit, testifying rightly and boldly to Jesus today and every day. For Your honor and glory I live… Praise to You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.


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