Thursday, April 16: Luke 22- Jesus true to himself.

This chapter contains so much I had to read it slowly and deliberately.  And still there were so many movements and scenes. I am a bit overwhelmed by all that is happening.

My heart wondered where should I sit with my Lord today.  Should I look at my need to be great and important (24ff)? Should I examine when I deny Jesus in my life (31-34 & 54-62)? Should I just watch Jesus’ ultimate calm amidst the storm?

Even with all this, I found myself considering a brief incident during the arrest (50-51). One of the disciples wields his sword during the may lay of Jesus’ arrest and cuts off a man’s ear. Immediately Jesus shouts to His followers stop and sheath their swords. Then he heals the man’s ear on the spot. Did people not notice this miraculous act of kindness in the chaos of the moment? Did the arresters simply not care? How could there be no pause, no double take, no rethinking what was happening???

I tried to imagine what the healed man went through and thought during and after that evening. Searing pain and then instant miraculous healing. How does one process that?

And then there is Jesus, Who in one of the tightest, most chaotic moments of His life never ceased to be Himself, the almighty and gracious Son of God. He stayed true to His calling and His mission.  He is living out and preaching the kingdom of God and providing the atonement humanity needed to return to God.

Jesus’ example challenges me. How easily I can get side tracked.  How easily I can and often do worry about self rather than displaying God’s character and love. Not so Jesus who stayed true to Himself.

Lord, Jesus, thank You for this simple act of love during a tumultuous moment. I am the beneficiary of many of Your acts of love. Help me, Lord, to be as free to give away love as I am to receive it. I pray this in Your name, Jesus. Amen.


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