Wednesday, April 1: Luke 9- Following Jesus, God's messiah.

I was overwhelmed by the breadth of content in this chapter. Where do I pause? Where do I stop and ponder? Where do I bask in the glory that is my God and His Word?

As I pondered these and sat listening, my attention was drawn to verse 20, which seems to be the emotional center. Who do you say I am? Jesus asks. To which Peter replies, God’s Messiah.

If a person takes the Bible at face value, then Jesus’ question is THE critical question people must face. It is the dividing line of faith. Although there are many nuanced answers, He is a prophet, He is a great man and teacher, He is a revolutionary and so on; there is, in the reality of the Scriptures, only 2 options. Jesus is God’s Messiah as Peter blurts out or He is not.

Believing Jesus is anything short of God’s Messiah, God Himself in human flesh is the entrance ticket into the new life God offers through faith in Jesus Christ.

It was way back in 1975 that I took the step of faith and put my faith, my belief, in Jesus as God’s Messiah. And the door to new life swung wide open. The 40 years since then have been quite a ride. God has reveals so much about Himself. God has shown me areas that were WAY out of line with His will and way and also showed me smaller deviances from His will. It has been a learning and growing period with many ups and downs, twists and turns, opportunities I would never have imagined and failures that still sting.

All this said, I am so glad I walked through the door of faith into the adventure of following Jesus, God’s Messiah.

I hope and pray you take the journey of faith with Jesus,, too…

Lord, Jesus, thank You for confronting me with the question, ‘Who do I say You are’? And thank You for planting the seed of faith in me so that I could cry with Peter and disciples from all ages and cultures. I believe You are God’s Messiah. Amen.


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