Friday, October 16: Revelation 21- Finally a glimpse into eternity.

There are many descriptors of eternity in this chapter; my heart latched on to one provided in the final verse. Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life (27).

Nothing impure will enter it, the city, heaven; those were the words that attached to my life.

What will it be like to live in a world of perfect purity? What will it be like to be perfectly pure myself?

I really have no frame of reference for absolute purity… moral purity, relational purity, faith purity, purity of understanding and on and on it goes…

I consider this state from the opposite perspective… there will be no deceit, no lying, no hidding of false pretenses or intentions, no aggressive, passive or passive aggressive behavior, no duplicity.

Wow, this new world is hard to process, but amazingly wonderful at the same time. No taint, no stain, just purity. Although it is difficult to fathom, it will be pure delight and wonder.

This future is worth any pain, dedication, or trail that is required in following and staying faithful to Jesus.

Lord, may I be found worthy… this is my prayer. Amen.


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