Friday, October 30: 1Timothy 5- Organizing the church.

It is fascinating to me that a number of stops in this letter contain wisdom for organizing the church… God’s people who are living in community because they are all following Jesus together.

One thing I notice is that they are not lone rangers, doing life together is the walk of faith. And when people do life together there is need for organization. So Paul instructs Timothy on who to choose as leaders –elders & deacons (see chapter 3).

Today in chapter 5 the presenting need is how to you deal with widows. In that culture families took care of one another, but a widow was without support, since the husband provided the income and carried the assets. So widows, especially those with younger children, were vulnerable and as a rule without means of support. Paul’s directive… it is time for the church to step in; the group provides for the individual.

I am hearing God’s voice in this… caring for those within the body who have legitimate needs is part and parcel of who we are as community, who we are as the people of God. Life certainly is different today. We have governmental social nets but the concept is still very real. Despite government help there are people in every church I have served who need help and it is a beautiful thing to see the church step up and be the church.

Lord, God, help me to be a person of generosity toward brothers and sisters in need. Lord, teach me my resources are not for me to horde but to use to advance Your kingdom near and far. I pray this is Jesus’ name. Amen.


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