Friday, April 23: Revelation 18-Judged

On the one hand, I like movies where the “bad guy” gets it. The bloodied and battered hero wins the day in the end. Dozens of titles come to mind in a flash. You’ve seen them. I wouldn’t be surprised if you like them too. They are part of the American culture; John Wayne made a fortune as the hero in this genre of movie in years gone by.

When I read this chapter many of the same feelings rise within me… God’s enemy, Satan, the Devil, the Harlot, gets what is coming. I am comforted knowing that God wins and Satan loses. I am also comforted by the simple reminders throughout the chapter that God’s people are spared the judgment dolled out to the Devil and his cohorts (see verse 4).

But there is another part of me that weeps as I read this chapter. Unlike movies this will truly happen, judgment and pain will come on all human and spiritual beings not in God’s family. And eternal judgment and damnation is not a pleasing thought, but it is reality or will be when God’s day comes and He says the time is fulfilled!

O, God, as long as I have breath in me this side of eternity, O Lord, as long as time still remains, I pledge my life to You to do whatever You want me to do to be a light to Jesus and salvation;  that many might be spared Your judgment and receive salvation through Jesus Chris,t Your Son, and Lord. Amen.


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