Tuesday, April 6: Revelation 3-Rich, yet poor

As I read Jesus’ words to these three churches I couldn’t shake verse 17. I even went back through the chapter a second time to see if something else might capture my attention. But no, it was 17 again. You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.

We are inundated with commercials asking, “What’s your number?” “How much do you want for retirement?” Ads for this or that trading firm; Chuck offers this and E-trade that. I do believe God wants us to be wise stewards. But I am rich. Many people in the world can’t worry about retirement because they aren’t sure from where todays’ or tomorrows’ meals are coming.

Those commercials ring again, “Chuck, E-trade will help you get there.”

What I am hearing from Jesus is with wealth comes complacency, particularly spiritual complacency. The more I have, the more secure in myself I feel, the less I need Jesus.

A second thought spins like this, “But am I rich in good deeds? Am I using my wealth (time, health, influence) to make a godly difference in the world, or am I hording it for me?

Well, this was not a fun time with Jesus. The Spirit kept pressing me to examine my life. When I came to my prayer, all I could do is mimic the words of a song:

O Lord, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, melt me, mold me, fill me, use me… Holy Spirit fall afresh on me…




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