Wednesday, April 21: Revelation 16-Sad, sad words.

The seven last plagues are poured out. From the Throne of God, the cry goes out, “It is done!” Words of finality. About mid-way through the chapter, not once but twice, I read five sad, sad words …

Verse 9: … but they refused to repent ….

Again verse 11: but they refused to repent ….

Sad, sad words, especially in the context of finality. No more chances, no more opportunities to turn to God and ask forgiveness, seek His love, find His grace.

Even as a part of my brain contemplated the sad reality that someday, on a day of God’s own choosing, He will judge the world and those who refuse to repent will face the fury of the wrath of God and eternal punishment. Another part of my brain kept saying, “Don’t be smug Bill, your salvation, your repentance is by God’s grace NOT YOUR GOODNESS. That side kept talking because even I struggle to repent some times. The thoughts that flowed seemed to morph into God’s voice…

“Bill, you still harbor great amounts of pride for which you have refused to earnestly repent. Bill, you still harbor ‘xyz’(I know these but those of you who read this blog needn’t know) habits, behaviors, attitudes and all manor of sin.  How sad that is Bill. You have known My grace, My forgiveness, My love.  Why are you still hiding these areas from Me? Yes, you are saved for eternity, but your life would be so much sweeter if you would repent of these… Come to Me. Don’t hide from Me…”

Lord Jesus, Loving Father, Precious Holy Spirit, I come…


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