Friday, November 19: Ecclesiastes 11- Pondering God

For the last few days, Ecclesiastes has sounded almost like proverbs, short pithy sayings that bounce from topic to topic. This morning it was verse 5 which excited my musing most. As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things. An alternate translation for the underlined part goes like this: or how life (spirit) enters the body being formed.

Either translation, I pondered God and our world. God’s ways are so much beyond our ways. Oh, science has advanced much since the writing of these words but do we really know that much more? Collectively, we humans understand much more of how the earth and the body works. We have pictures of the earliest days of human life, shortly after the sperm fertilizes the egg.

But do individuals understand? Do we know how things got in place that allows egg and sperm to meet? I certainly don’t and for me the more I learn about how the body is formed the more I marvel, Could the human body really have ‘evolved by chance changes’? I cannot imagine how that is plausible. I have been having my shoulder looked at and worked on by a Dr. Discussing the intricacies of how that simple joint with its muscles, tendons, nerves and more interact and work together has wowed me. And that’s just the shoulder… we have organs and cells and … I barely got a D in physiology in college. I am way past my learning grade. The human body put together by happenstance.  No way can I fathom that! Creator God is the only answer that satisfies me.

Meteorologists can predict basic weather patterns… but it is an inexact science. The 5-day forecast is none too accurate!?! And it will not grow significantly more accurate in decades to come. Forecasting is built on models created through understanding an area of physics called “chaos theory.”  There are so many variables that better long-term (5-day) prediction is unlikely. For example, a tenth of a degree temperature change can make a significant change in weather patterns long term.

I have probably given too much explanation for some.  However, as my mind pondered all this, my mind has delighted in our Creator God who is sooooooo much more and bigger and beyond me, a mere human. Wow! And God connected with me in Jesus? Double Wow!

I have only one place to go… to praise and worship and thanks and adoration for God who loves and reveals Himself to me. Yes, God is so much bigger and beyond me and that it makes these thoughts all the more special and praiseworthy!

O, O Praise Him! O, O Praise Him! Alleluia, Alleluia, AlleluÇuia! Father Son and Holy Spirit I praise You God Three in One! Amen.


PS: There’s another way-beyond-me truth… Triune God, Three in One! Ahhh, more to delight and muse upon! O, O Praise Him! O, O Praise Him! Alleluia, Alleluia, AlleluÇuia!



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