Saturday, November 6: Esther 10- What are you working for.

When I opened and read the 3 verses, my first thought was.  “Hmmmm, not much here.” I read it again. Then I consciously asked, “Lord, what morsel do you have for me today?” I read it again and the closing words worked into my thoughts.  Mordecai … worked for the good of his people and spoke up for the welfare of all the Jews (3). Those words about Mordecai jarred my thinking, “What am I working for?” Mordecai took the selfless stance to put his efforts toward work for his people, God’s people. His position and power and influence were dedicated to helping God’s people. He could have focused on self, he could have sought the lap of luxury. Instead he gave himself to the care and welfare of God’s people.

The whisper of the Spirit came to me, “Bill, would you be a Mordecai? Will you work for the welfare of God’s people? Will you put advancement of God’s kingdom and the care and welfare of God’s people ahead of personal benefit? Will you be a Mordecai?”

Well, those are heavy thoughts. I’d like to say that I immediately said “yes.” But answering those questions honestly, at least for me, isn’t easy. ‘Yes’ requires personal sacrifice and potentially, lots f it. And that isn’t something I take lightly…

As I wrestle with my answer, how about you? How would you answer those same questions from the Lord?

Lord, help me respond ‘yes’ to these questions. And like the man who answered you ‘I believe, help my unbelief,’ Lord, help me when I want to respond ‘no.’ Help me to say ‘yes’ then as well. Through Jesus, I pray. Amen.


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