Wednesday, November 24: Song of Solomon 3- Wedding Pageantry.

It seems that verses 1-5 maybe a dream of longing by the beloved. Emotions run high before a wedding, which is what we see in verse 6. Verse 6, and following, describes the wonder of the royal caravan coming for the beloved to take her to the city for the wedding.

There is something joyous about wedding celebrations. From weddings I have seen, some are over-the-top but who am I to judge how people celebrate. And celebrate we should. Weddings mark the life-long commitment between a bride and groom. Believing God has connected them (at least for those of us in the church that is), their life together should be celebrated and pageantry is part of that.

Reading this is easy to see how commentators throughout the ages have connected this with Jesus, the bridegroom, coming back for His bride the church. There will be pageantry that day as well as when He bursts through the skies to reclaim His bride and defeat His enemy.

Devotionally, I shoot to two places… my wedding, thanking the Lord for my wife of 30+ years… a gift from God to me… a woman who has encouraged me in my faith and in forming a God-pleasing life all of those years.

I also travel mentally to that day when Jesus will return in triumphant glory.  Alleluia, may it be soon!

Lord, these closing thoughts remind me of the 2 most precious relationships in my life… You, Lord God, and my wife. Both gifts are pure and simple. Both take work on my part. Both fill my life with joy and peace. Thank You, Lord God, for the gift of faith and the gift of my wife… Amen.


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