Tuesday, November 23: Song of Solomon 2- Loved appreciated and cared for.

Married life and friendship life can become so mundane, so routine. Our relationships with those we love can become almost mechanical…

I was refreshed by the opening ‘give and take’ between the beloved and her lover. Verses 1 and 2: (Beloved) I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys. (Lover) Like a lily among thorns is my darling among the maidens. The mutuality of delight and love for each other was so good to read.

Both the beloved and lover know they hold a special place in the other’s life. They are not taken for granted, instead they feel loved, appreciated and cared for.

My thoughts swap from text to life. I am wondering if my wife and my children feel loved, appreciated and cared for by me? I am wondering if I am holding up ‘my end of the bargain’ (i.e. relationship)? In the text ‘the beloved’ can only feel loved, can only think of herself as a “rose of Sharon” if he (the lover) has expressed that in word, deed and action. How am I doing in word, deed and action for those I love?

As a husband, my thoughts travel to my wife.  Then by extension my thoughts ripple out to others I love, children, other family members, even good friends. Do they know what they mean to me?

Lord, thank You for those special people in my life. Each one is a gift from You. To do life alone would be lonely. These special people are gifts along the journey. Lord, am I appreciating them as I should? Am I appreciating them in a manner consistent with what they mean to me? Help me, Lord, to let them know that they are loved, appreciated and cared for… I pray this through Jesus, my Lord. Amen.


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