Thursday, July 28: Proverbs 8- A song to wisdom, an ode to understanding.

If you could give your son or daughter or younger protégé one piece of basic advice, what would it be? Really take a moment and ponder this.  One piece of advice, what would it be?

Ponder (let the Final Jeopardy theme play a few seconds in your mind before you read on).

Mulling on this, I believe the author of Proverbs would say, “Gain wisdom, seek understanding.” This theme has already emerged a number of times and now, yet again, the author gives an entire chapter, pressing readers to pursue wisdom and understanding. [W]isdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her (11).

So what should I do to heed this advice? That’s where my thoughts go next. It is one thing to wax eloquently about the pursuit of wisdom; it is a different thing to actually pursue her (in Proverbs wisdom in personified as a female).

  • Reading and attending to God’s Word would be one avenue.
  • Hanging with and learning from wise others, who have pursued wisdom throughout their lives, is another.

Both worthy endeavors.  Am I engaged in them? And so my morning meditations go…

I conclude with the final verses of the chapter:

For whoever finds me [wisdom] finds life and receives favor from the LORD. But whoever fails to find me harms himself; all who hate me love death (35-36).

Lord, why is it so easy to slack off and to not pursue wisdom or You with all my heart and soul and mind and strength? Why, Lord, can I have good intentions and then fall short, repeatedly? O Lord, my God, all I can do is cry out to You, ‘Help me, please. Help me give my energies and focus to things that matter to You.’ In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.


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