Wednesday, January 15: Joshua 13- Provision and presence.

I found myself considering the inheritance Israel was given by the Lord. First and foremost there was the Land. This promise goes way back to the covenant God established with the patriarchs. The land is really the gift of provision. Through the land God provides for Israel. God provides food and living. God provides a home, territory, a place to reside. God provides a platform from which to extend His name and His glory throughout the world.

God also provides presence, His presence among them. We see this in the inheritance of the Levites. But to the tribe of Levi he gave no inheritance, since the offerings made by fire to the LORD, the God of Israel, are their inheritance, as he promised them (14). The offerings, the gift of standing in God’s presence to offer sacrifices, was the inheritance of the Levites. This is the gift of presence; they were invited to regularly stand in God’s presence representing the people! The gift of presence is also seen in the tabernacle and eventually the temple, the dwelling of God among His people.

Provision and presence.

God continues to offer these inheritances to His people. God provides grace, mercy, gift and every spiritual blessing (Ephesians 1:5) to His people. Along with this God provides His presence, not located in a single physical dwelling (tabernacle or temple) or in a representation of people (Levites). No, now God offers His presence to every one who through faith in Jesus Christ becomes a child of God. Jesus’ presence, the presence of Immanuel –God with us- is given to each believer through the presence and power of the Spirit. Everyone who is in Christ has the Spirit (Romans 8:9).

I found myself thinking about and thanking God for provision and presence. What wonderful inheritances these are!

Lord God Almighty, thank You for providing. I cannot possibly list all You have provided. I see Your gifts in my family, health, job, ability to live, love and know You. Thank You does not seem to say enough, yet I don’t know how to say it more clearly.

And I also bless and thank You for Your presence. To know You are with me every moment of every day, 24//7/365. I don’t know how to say thank You for this gift. I can speak with You at any time. I can sense Your presence whenever I pay attention. I can listen for Your voice anytime I open my ears.

Thank You and Bless You, Lord God Almighty, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.


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