Wednesday, October 11: John 6- Perspective.

The scope of teaching in this chapter is as cavernous as the Grand Canyon, far too grand to handle in one short devotional. Surprisingly, it was verse 6 that caused me to pause and ponder.

He asked this only to test him, for he already had in mind what he was going to do. This sentence is an addition by the author John into the narrative. John, who is now an old man, has had years to ponder and consider the things of Jesus. He has lived a full and faithful life and as he pens his gospel, he slips in these brief words that grows out of his years walking with and serving Jesus.

Recalling the feeding of the 5000 John realized that Jesus’ question to Philip, “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?” (5). Jesus asked this only to test him, for he already had in mind what he was going to do. That is not something one would realize in the moment, because in the moment people would have been carried away by the enormity of the situation and the miracle Jesus performed to alleviate the hunger need of the crowd.

As I pondered this I realized that many things in life need the perspective of years and thought and sometimes aging to more full understanding (I don’t know that we ever fully understand things).

In my 20’s I was enamored by the delight and beauty of my fiancĂ©. I had no idea what richness she would bring into my life over the ensuing decades.

As the disciples stood at the cross they saw their Lord and friend die. Only after His resurrection and ascension did they begin to understand the true meaning of it all.

It has taken time and continued understanding poured into my life by the Holy Spirit to begin to grasp many of the truths of the Christian faith.

John’s tiny addition into the account is a reminder to me that many things take time to more fully understand and that this is especially true with faith.

My faith is so much deeper as I have walked with Jesus these 40+ years.

Living in God’s Word repeatedly and deeply over the course of years unlocks treasures of faith.

Stick with the Lord. Walk and wrestle and live as faithfully as you can and over time the canvas of faith will grow more beautiful with the added shades and hues of a growing discipleship.

Lord, thank You for years in Your Word, which never grows dull and is always full of new insights and rich wisdom for life. Thank You, Jesus, for prompting John to write his gospel years later and the richness it brings to understanding Your years of ministry on earth and Your gospel message. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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