Wednesday, October 25: John 18- I am the one.

Such an abrupt change from prayers to arrest. If you were new to the story of Jesus, I think the transition from chapter 17 to 18 would strike you as a reader like a punch to the gut. It hit me that way and I know the story!

Jesus’ calm through the whole of the evening is such a contrast to Peter’s bumbling. The master is in control, despite the situation while Peter teeters on the edge, uncertain, out of balance and about to fall.

During His arrest and questioning before the priests and Pilate, it seems like Jesus controls the events. He speaks and the arrestors fall back. Before Annas they drill Him hard but Jesus, un-phased, fires back with a retort they cannot answer. Before Pilate, Jesus is strong and resolute.

Poor Peter, he just cannot measure up. In the garden he resorts to violence, striking someone with his sword. Invited into the garden because his friend vouched for him, Peter crumbles under the weight of a servant girl and other nameless observers.

While I long to be like Jesus, too often I act more like Peter. My bravado of faith, when I am in the company of friends, fades into obscurity sometimes when challenged by outsiders.

Oh, God, seeing Peter is like holding a mirror to my own life… my sins, my guilt, my faults. I am the one stripped naked by this text and these thoughts. I am the one who falls and denies my Savior.

All I can manage to say is…

Forgive me, Lord. Save me, Lord. I am in need of Your grace and mercy again and again. Amen.


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