Nicknames don't always define who we are. Sometimes they grow out of an incident in our lives. I love giving my family members nicknames, which change over time.
Other times nicknames do express an aspect of who we are, like William the Conqueror, the first Norman king of England 1066.
I love the nickname given to Joseph, the Levite from Cyprus. According to verse 36 the apostles called him Barnabas, which means son of encouragement. What a great nickname. And he certainly lived up to that name. In verse 36 he is giving money to support people in need in the church. In a little while he will come alongside of Saul (Paul) and work with him on his first missionary journey (chapter 13). Later he gives Mark a second chance after he bailed on Barnabas and Paul during the first missionary journey (15:36). Only the Lord knows if there were others he encouraged along the way.
Paul and Mark are important figures in the early church. Together they wrote about 30% of the New Testament. As I think about this I wonder if we would have had Paul and Mark without Barnabas first encouraging them to walk in their faith???
I'll never know the answer to this question. Still it causes me to ask if I am encouraging younger members of the faith. Am I a Barnabas for others? Are you?
I know that my faith has been strengthened because of the encouragement of others. Karl, Harry, and Jeff are 3 men who have been a Barnabas for me at important times in my life.
Lord, please point out to me some men for whom I can be a Barnabas. I pray in Jesus name. Amen.
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