Saturday, September 8: Acts 27- Trust is confirmed through obedience.

What a harrowing experience… I have never endured anything close to what Paul and his shipmates endured during that Nor'easter. Through it all Paul maintained his faith. He was resolute in his trust in the Lord.

What an example Paul is to hold on to the Lord through thick and thin.

I have also never had an angel communicate a word from the Lord to me. Angel or not, Paul needed to trust… trust that it was an angel not his imagination and trust that what the angel told him was true.

Trust is confirmed through obedience. Paul obeyed the voice of the Lord, voicing his faith to the others on the ship.

The same God who spoke to and saved Paul and the 276 passengers and crew of that ship is God today. And God continues to communicate with His people. Maybe He will use an angel; maybe God will use a voice in our head or an inner nudge. Whatever His means, God still speaks.

Am I listening and will I obey? These are the two questions that flood my thoughts.

Listen and obey… The words of an old song come to mind. "Trust (listen) and obey for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey.

Will I listen and obey?... that is the only way to truly walk in faith.

Lord, sometimes I feel like my ears are plugged. I don't hear Your voice. And sometimes Lord I think I need to hear You like others say they hear You. 

For 40+ years I have walked with You. You have directed my path. There is always room to grow and learn… so, Lord, continue to speak, continue to guide, and continue to grow my faith so that I can follow You all the days of my life. I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.


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