I am supposing that Paul had some kind of magnetism about him. As I read today I saw how he draws people to himself. At the end of chapter 15 we learn that Silas has become his traveling companion. Then as today's chapter opens Timothy joins Paul's troop. Timothy was even willing to be circumcised before he traveled with Paul (1-3). Finally in verse 11, Luke uses the pronoun 'we' describing the sail from Troas. There may even be others since verse 6 references 'traveling companions.'
Since I can't go back in time, I will never know what it was about Paul that drew people to work alongside of him. I don't even know if it was Paul or the opportunity to advance the Gospel that drew people to travel with Paul. I am reminded of Romans 16 where Paul lists many people, noting their service for the Gospel and to him. Reading this chapter and seeing this troop of companions, I understand better how he had such a long list of fellow workers in Romans 16.
Thinking about all Paul endured for the Gospel and given what many of his companions went through while serving alongside Paul, there had to be more than personal magnetism that drew people to work with him. In this chapter Silas is flogged alongside of Paul (22). I am not convinced that Paul's personality alone would account for Silas continuing with Paul after the severe beating. This leads me to think that there was a 'higher calling' than simply hanging with Paul. The 'higher calling' must have been Jesus Himself.
I pondered my willingness to suffer for Jesus. I hope, I pray I would… I have never been tested in that manner. My hope and prayer is that I would willingly give everything for the sake of Jesus, my Savior and Lord.
Oh, God, I pray for the faith and endurance to serve You faithfully like Paul and his many companions did. I pray this in Jesus' name. Amen.
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