Thursday, June 10: 2Samuel 5-Asking God for direction

I love it, David is THE MAN and he remains willing to ask the Lord about what he should do.

Maybe it is just me but I find it very easy to begin living as if I have the answers and I know what to do. Even when I am not certain exactly what to do, I am confident in my ability to figure it out.

David exemplifies another way, the way of depending upon the Lord. The Philistines posed one of the first threats to his country. Hoping to blindside David, they marched out for battle. David, an experienced and competent warrior/general, did not immediately organize his army for a counter offensive. Instead, he first inquired of the Lord (19). God said, ‘Go’ and David won a smashing victory.

Later the Philistines mobilize for a second offensive. What does David do? He pauses again to check in with the Lord. This time God gives David a different battle tactic. David follows God’s plan and wins another decisive battle (22-25).

I love the fact that David took the time to inquire of God. Make no mistake about it, David was a man of action. He was a battle hardened soldier, prepared to defend his nation. But David was also wise enough to plug into God before he burst onto the battle field.

Learning to pause in order to confer with the Lord before deciding upon my plan, that is a good lesson for me to hear…

Lord, hearing is one thing, learning and doing is another. Help me learn from David at this point. Help me to cultivate a deep enough relationship with You so that asking Your advice and seeking Your counsel will be second nature and the natural thing for me to do…  This is pray in Jesus, my Lord’s name. Amen.


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