Wednesday, May 23: Ezekiel 36 - God working in the background.

I love the opening of this chapter… God prophesying to the mountains and land of Israel that it will be fruitful and produce much for the people Israel. God was building up the land to support His people who would soon return to the land.

That is so like the God I serve and follow, working in the background, preparing that which is important so that His people will have what they need.

I thought through my life.  G raduating from college I turned down a good job for grad school in engineering. During those two years I met and fell in love with my wife. God working in the background…

I completed my MS in engineering, was married and headed off to seminary. My MS thesis was published by my advisor’s PhD student and was voted the best welding article of the year with a $150 prize. Even though I couldn’t go to that award ceremony, the $150 was a welcome gift to a seminary couple barely making it. God working in the background…

And who would have imagined that my wife’s summer job, working crop-hail insurance, would be the door opener to a good job in Boston that paid our bills and made seminary possible without loans? God working in the background…

Later on we lived in NJ for five years. A third grade teacher noticed our child was not reading as the teacher thought she should and suggest a reading/vision testing. At the same time my wife made friends with other moms at our younger sons “tumble bee” gymnastics class. One mom had incredible experiences with these issues and referred us to a eye specialist in vision training.  It turns out our child was seeing double.  Just imaging learning to read with letters double and overlapping. Her vision therapy cleared up the problem and by the end of 3rd grade, she was above grade level in reading.  Did I mention that teacher taught in the district only that year? God working in the background…

I could go on and on, with the ways I have seen –after the fact- how God has worked in the background caring for us, and preparing the right move at the right time.

I hope you can see similar ways your Lord and God has been working in the background of your life.  Why not be like me and spend some time remembering some of the works of the Lord in the background of your life…

Oh God, thank You for being there in the background of my life, orchestrating things I could never have myself. Thank You, bless You…

You are a great and marvelous God and I love You.  Thank You. Through Jesus, my Lord, I pray. Amen.


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