Wednesday, May 30: Ezekiel 42 - Different clothing.

The one non-architectural detail of this chapter caught my attention. Verse 14: Once the priests enter the holy precincts, they are not to go into the outer court until they leave behind the garments in which they minister, for these are holy. They are to put on other clothes before they go near the places that are for the people.

The clothing priests wore in the presence of God were removed before they returned to areas of the temple where people were allowed. Either the priests had special clothing, set-apart clothing, that they only wore into the holy sections of the temple or cloths worn into the holy sections of the temple became holy and could not be worn out among the people.

I found this interesting. God is so holy so ‘other’ than clothes worn in His presence and used for the sacrifices offered to Him were not to be treated as ordinary clothes. They were special.

We know that the priests themselves had to undergo ritual cleansings before they could enter the holy place.

God is Holy and this small detail underscores the importance of recognizing how important God’s Holiness truly is.

Lord, God, You are Holy. You are so holy that clothing worn in Your presence cannot be worn out in public. Once in Your presence clothing becomes set apart for You. To be in Your presence is high honor.

Lord, though Jesus, You invite us to come to You anytime.  What a privilege! What an honor! Help me, Lord, to cherish coming to Your presence.

Thank You for robeing me in Christ’s robes so that I can come into Your presence. Blessed be Your name, Oh Lord, my God. Amen


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