Friday, February 19: Genesis 35- Life.

Much of life is ordinary, even mundane… eating, sleeping, working.   And yet, in the midst of the mundane, God reveals Himself. Maybe He speaks to us in a dramatic way, like Jacob experienced, a dream or a vision or an appearance somehow.  Maybe God speaks in and through His Word or through His church. A Sunday announcement about a short mission trip to visit a church sponsored missionary definitely changed my life. Then again, so did a pastor’s request that I help with a youth retreat.

Today’s stories from Jacob’s life remind me that God can knock at any time while we are doing anything. God’s knock can be a minor course correction or a dramatic order to a new port of call.

Are we available to God’s call(s) or are we rigid and stuck in our own path? This is the question my time with Jesus is raising for me this morning. I am also realizing that God’s call can come at any time and during any season of life.

Jacob is getting up there in years and God is still calling and altering his life. Am I willing for God to direct me still? Am I open to new adventures with the Lord?  Maybe they are adventures into new lands or new relationships or new ways of spreading the Gospel across the globe to people not yet reached with the saving news of Jesus Christ.

I don’t know… but I want to declare to God I am here, I am available… send me.

Will you do the same?

Lord, use dreams or visions, church announcements, Your word, whatever You want to get my attention and move me to places You want me to go or people You want me to meet. I echo Isaiah’s prayer, ‘Here am I, send me’. Amen.


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