Saturday, February 27: Genesis 42- God's direction.

Not every dream is from God, but some are. Scripture is full of people receiving dreams God used to direct them. I have never received such a dream, but it happens too often in Scripture to be discounted, if I am going to believe Scripture.

So Joseph is reminded of the dreams he had years ago. God, it appears, is bringing them to fruition.

Like I said, I haven’t had a life directing dream from God, but God has certainly directed my life in various ways. And Joseph’s story moved me to consider the ways the Lord has directed my life over the decades.

God has used other people in my life. I think of mostly brothers or sisters in Christ whose counsel helped shape who I am today. But God also used the wise counsel of non-believers. One of the best pieces of advice and one that helped me make the decision to apply and then go to seminary was from a college professor. I don’t know if he had faith or not, we never spoke and he never gave any indication of faith,  However, his advice helped give me the courage to step out of my engineering career path and take a shot at seminary. That decision is second only to marrying my wife, in regards to shaping my life and who I am today.

Scripture… reading and studying God’s Word… is the major source of God’s direction in my life. Dreams, visions, counsel, hunches & promptings all need to be tested, weighed and measured against Scripture before acting on it as a word from God. There is always a subjective nature to dreams as a mode of communication from God. But God’s Word is eternal. Truth is truth and when I act on God’s truth there is no mistaking it. A life built on solidly studying and understanding God’s Word is a life built on a solid foundation.

As I ponder on Joseph’s story and my story, I believe that my life has been led by God as much as Joseph’s. Whether I have been as faithful is up for discussion. But I certainly have felt and been directed by the hand of God as I have attempted to live for Him.

What about you? Are you listening for and following God’s Word and God’s direction in your life? Think about it…

Lord, thank you for leading and guiding me. Show me how, God, how to understand Your Word, written and impressed upon my soul. This is my prayer,  In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.


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