Saturday, May 17: 1Samuel 25- Wisdom, providence and God's care.

God’s hand is with David. As he continues to hide from Saul, David makes a life for himself and his men. ‘Street wisdom’ might be a good word for David. He knows how to live. He directs his men in honorable ways as they carve out ways to provide for themselves, like caring for Nabal’s herds and herdsmen.

Even as David does what he can do, God is at work behind the scenes. The incident with Nabal is another case in point. On his way to exact punishment for Nabal’s lack of generosity, Abigal gets word and averts disaster with her gift. There is no mention that God prompted Abigail, and yet it is clear that God is the unseen force acting in the background, caring for and preparing David to be the next king of Israel as Samuel had said.

It is also worth noting that David continues to act honorably even after Samuel died. David was a man who sought God.

Considering this chapter, God’s nudge this morning is to live honorably and with as much wisdom as I can… and to allow God to work in the quiet. Even when I do not see His hand working directly, God is working out His will. And His care is upon those living for Him.

Lord, send Your Spirit that I might follow His lead today, living for You. May my life bring honor to Your name and advance Your kingdom’s rule and reign… Alleluia. Amen.


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