Saturday, May 31: 2Samuel 6- Hear and motives right, methods wrong.

David’s heart was in the correct place. He was motivated by good intentions… but his methods were wrong. His priests did not follow the directions of the Law. Should David have known this? Probably. The king was to attend to God’s law. Whether intentional, or more likely unintentional, Israel did not move the Ark in the prescribed way. And when Uzzah reached out and touched it, God’s judgment was swift and irrevocable. Uzzah died then and there!

This account reminds me that we must know the Word. Having a ‘good’ heart is not enough. We are to live according to God’s Word and ignorance is not bliss!

Although in this case God seems cruel, rules are rules and ignorance is no excuse. 

Decades ago my wife, a claims adjuster, arrived at an accident scene. The young man at fault was driving a semi loaded with steel banding. Coming down a hill into a small town his breaks could not hold the truck and it crashed. Its load ripped off the truck and flattened a parked car. Fortunately no one was hurt.

The police office had a list of violations. Non-employees were in the cab (his wife and baby were riding with him). Breaks faulty, the young driver had failed to adequately perform the pre-trip safety checkup. The log books were kept incorrectly, leading to many violations. The list continued. This new driver was honestly sorry, and kept saying “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

He had a good heart, he didn’t mean to do it but his ignorance could have killed many people including him and his family.

How we live and what we do matters. The way to know how to live and what to do and not do, is to know God’s Word.

This is what the Lord is saying to me this morning… How about you? What is the Lord saying to you?

Father, thank You for Your Word!  I love You and I love Your Word. Teach me through it how to live so that my life pleases You. Through Jesus, in the Spirit’s Power, I pray. Amen.


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