Wednesday, May 14: 1Samuel 22- We are in a battle.

Reading this chapter I kept thinking about the battle between good and evil. David, the good and godly side, is aided by the neighboring country of Moab, who cares for David’s family, and the prophet Gad who comes to David to give godly advice.

Then there is Saul and his array. They are hunting down David.  And in the process they commit some heinous crimes, like killing 85 men who wore the linen ephod (18) and putting the entire town of Nod (19) to the sword. Evil can be that way… killing innocent people in order to get their way!

As I mulled over the picture above, I saw it as a caricature of life. We are in a battle, for most not as obvious as David’s but obvious or not, we are in a battle. God guiding us to safety and the evil one trying to derail us and when possible, attack us.

I thought, what do we do to survive? Stay close to the Lord. Listen to His leading directly through the Holy Spirit and also through wise sisters and brothers in the faith. And when we get off track, admit it to the Lord, ask for His forgiveness, repent and start doing what is right in the Lord’s eyes.

Lord, keep me alert in the battle. Help me to bring to bear all the weapons and tools You give to wage war in Your name. I pray this to the end that Your kingdom reigns and Your will is done here on earth as it is in heaven. Through Jesus, my Savior, I pray. Amen.




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