Friday, August 7: Galatians 5- Faith expressed in love.

God’s Word in Galatians 5 is wonderfully rich in meaning and meditation points. Although I paused to praise God at a number of places in my reading, it was verse 6 which drew me to ponder God, my Savior.

For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.

Circumcision, the sign of the first covenant, is of no value. In fact non-circumcision is of no value as well. Paul is speaking of spiritual value. Neither action nor the birthright/nationality generally associated with circumcision is of any spiritual value. Paul puts it plainly. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. The only act of spiritual value is faith (in Jesus, that is) expressed in love… love for God and others.

I stared at the word only. No mixing of various religious acts… no circumcision, no lighting of this or that incense, no special prayers or meditation ‘oms’ is of spiritual value. None of this can earn a person a closer more connected relationship with the God of creation. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.

Only faith in Christ… the ‘in Christ’ is not in the sentence above but is clearly present from the context of the paragraph. It has been from the beginning and will be to the end all about Jesus. Jesus is the source and supply of our faith, nothing else is required and nothing more is to be added.

Only faith in Christ expressed in love… want to do something to strengthen your faith? Put your faith in Jesus to work in acts of love for God –Father, Son and Spirit– or put your faith in Jesus to work in acts of love for others. Love is the natural response to God who rescued us through Jesus’ death on the cross. God put love into action and so should we…

And so my thoughts went to how can I love today… love God and others.

I can talk with God, I can speak of God as my conversations allow. I can look for ways to let the Fruit of the Spirit mentioned in verses 22-23 become realities in my life. Any and all of these will put my faith into action in love.

What a delightful day in God’s lap this morning… J

Lord, thank You for the delight of my time with You in world and meditation. You are so good. Your love for me never ceases to astound me. I am blessed to be Your child. Walk with me today, Lord. Be in my conversations and my thoughts. Help me to open my life to others and in so doing, express the love You have placed in me to the others I meet today. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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